Merle Michaelis
Ausstellungsansicht, Muthesius Publishing Ink
© spce | Muthesius und Künstler*innen, Foto: Lea Kötting
Durational Performance – Into Letters, Merle Michaelis, Muthesius Publishing Ink
© spce | Muthesius und Künstler*innen, Foto: Paul Dorobisz

Durational Performance - Into Letters, Merle Michaelis, Muthesius Publishing Ink
© spce | Muthesius und Künstler*innen, Foto: Paul Dorobisz
Ausstellungsansicht, Merle Michaelis, Into Letters, Muthesius Publishing Ink
© spce | Muthesius und Künstler*innen, Foto: Lea Kötting
Ausstellungsansicht, Merle Michaelis, Into Letters, Muthesius Publishing Ink
© spce | Muthesius und Künstler*innen, Foto: Lea Kötting
Ausstellungsansicht, Merle Michaelis, Into Letters, Muthesius Publishing Ink
© spce | Muthesius und Künstler*innen, Foto: Lea Kötting

Inspired by the principles of Chinese martial arts, Merle Michaelis investigates the role that the motion of bodies can play in calligraphic writing. Questions emerge in the process: What is between the letters? What lies behind the letters? What role do repetition and practice play? In what way does the handling of the writing tool and high concentration influence the writing? Is it about the process or the result? Or are they inseparable?
During the examination of the Chinese arts and their philosophies, process-like series of experiments emerge, along with graphic works, new writing and writing styles and an ever-growing interest in further developing one's own abilities so that one can freely deal with them.
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Jian Haake | 14/07 — 15/07/22 | 4 |