11/02 18:30  —  11/02/25 20:30


Ein Talk & Screening der Videoarbeit „Strange Powers“. Begleitet von einem widerspenstigen Theremin, einem modularen Synthesizer und heißem Tee.

Annika Larsson's STRANGE POWERS erforscht die hochsensible Natur komplexer Systeme. Durch poetische, klangliche und filmische Interventionen befasst sich das Projekt mit der Macht kleiner und widerspenstiger Kräfte und fragt, wie sie dazu beitragen können, die Politik von Raum, Zeit, Materie und dem Unbekannten neu zu denken.

Annika Larsson is an artist working within the field of Time Based Media. Since the early 2000’s she has created internationally acclaimed works that have become seminal within its genre. Her work examines the entangled relationship between power, knowledge, embodiment, affect and visuality within our digital and physical worlds. Engaged with the potential of (human and non-human) queer performativity, she is interested in gestures, rituals and actions, as well as patterns of behaviour that obscure or challenge power structures. 

Her video, sound and computer-based works, installations, and performances have been exhibited in international solo and group exhibitions at institutions such as Museum für Gegenwartskunst, Basel; Kunsthalle Nürnberg, Nürnberg; ICA - Institute of Contemporary Art, London; Fundacion la Caixa, Barcelona; S.M.A.K., Ghent; Museo d'Arte Contemporanea di Roma (MACRO), Rome; Le Magasin, Grenoble; Fridericianum, Kassel; Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Bogotá; Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Monterrey, Mexico and 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa, Japan. She has also participated in several biennials and festivals, such as 49th Biennale of Venice and Forum Expanded – 61st Berlin International Film Festival, and has been awarded numerous stipends and awards for her work. 

Between 2018-2022 Larsson led the artistic research project NON-KNOWLEDGE, LAUGHTER & THE MOVING IMAGE, which was funded by the Swedish Research Council and done in collaboration with the Royal Institute of Art in Stockholm and the HFBK - Hochschule für Bildende Künste Hamburg. Since October 2024 Larsson is Professor for Time Based Media at Muthesius Kunsthochschule in Kiel. She lives and works in Berlin and Kiel.

Weiter Veranstaltungen innerhalb Leap into the Void:
Frontalansicht | Kaspar Pansegrau – LEAP INTO THE VOID 30/01 — 08/03/25 164
THE SWERVE: TEA-TALES 03/02/25 161
David Karl – Künstlerische Praxis als Materialforschung 05/02/25 163
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